Disclaimer - what Profeet does and your responsibilities

Profeet specialises in fitting custom insoles, sports footwear and ski boots and making movement recommendations. Our aim is to improve comfort and performance whilst reducing the risk of sport-related injuries. While we aim to do this during your initial appointment, refitting and or follow up appointment are sometimes required and we offer a comprehensive Fit Guarantee. Profeet does not attempt to offer medical analysis, clinical diagnosis or therapy. If you need any of these then you must consult your GP or a medical practitioner.


Depending on your assessment and fitting, we will ask you to run/walk on a treadmill barefoot and in different shoes, run/walk over a scan mat or run/walk/stand on specific measuring equipment (“the Equipment”) in order to analyse your gait patterns, physiology and biomechanics and determine the most appropriate footwear, insoles and any movement recommendations for you. By signing this form you confirm that:


  1. you possess a reasonable level of fitness and ability as needed for the Equipment;
  2. you do not have any health or medical condition that would make your participation in this activity dangerous or may
    increase risk of injury;
  3. you will use any equipment in accordance with the instructions of the Profeet fitter;
  4. you are responsible for your own safety whilst using the Equipment and accept all risks existing and subsisting in the use of the Equipment, except to the extent that Profeet is not permitted to exclude liability.


We will advise you and fit your insoles, footwear or ski boots to the best of our ability. However, there are limitless variables, due to the nature of feet, footwear, ski boots and external sport specific and environmental factors that can affect the fit and performance. We do not possess your feet and cannot tell exactly how your insoles, shoes or ski boots feel. Therefore the decision to purchase and to use custom insoles, footwear or ski boots is ultimately yours.


Your appointment includes an assessment, analysis and fitting during which we rely heavily on your input and feedback. It is therefore critical for you to provide us with full and accurate details of any injuries or medical conditions, your current level of exercise, your current ability, future aims and your intended use for the footwear. If during your appointment something doesn’t fit/feel right then let us know so we can adjust our recommendation and fitting if needed.


Following your appointment it is important you take the time to get used to your new insoles, footwear or ski boots and you must follow our Break-In and Usage Guidelines. If you are at the start of training, increasing training, and/or starting/restarting a sport then this will place new stresses and loads on your body that could lead to increased risk of sore feet/injury that we cannot foresee during an appointment. Again, carefully breaking in new products will reduce risks.


If you do experience discomfort, then further fitting or adjustment may be required. Listen to your body, if it doesn’t feel right then slow down or stop! It is your responsibility to stop using your insoles, footwear or ski boots if you feel there is a risk of them causing you any injury. If in doubt then contact us to discuss and we will work with you under the terms of our Fit Guarantee to achieve the best fit possible. If you experience any significant discomfort you should also seek medical advice. Please remember to book a refit appointment.



There are limitless variables that can affect the results of your evaluation and the suitability and fit of goods we supply or recommend. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that your evaluation, insole, footwear or ski boot recommendation and fitting are accurately made at the time of your appointment/re-fitting/follow up, Profeet do not guarantee total completeness, accuracy or outcome.


Profeet will not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer arising in the course of your assessment or from any reliance placed by you on any product sold, modified or recommended by us (save for death or personal injury arising as a result of our negligence).


This disclaimer does not affect our Fit Guarantee or your statutory rights.