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She performed outstandingly coming away with 3 national records for her weight category which were:
- 114kg Snatch
- 143kg Clean & Jerk
- plus the total score of 257kg.
Emily’s hard work is paying off and this comp is a great foundation for her building on going into the next year where Tokyo Olympics 2020 is very much within her grasp!
Extract from our interview with Emily Campbell from Jan 2018
Why is alignment of the foot/lower leg so important in lifting?
Due to the lifts being so technical and the amount of weight on the bar being so heavy stability is so important and it is paramount in preventing injuries.
How have Profeet insoles helped your lifting and why do you value them so much?
I am very flat footed and the insoles have helped me get into biomechanically advantageous positions and given me so much more confidence under the bar.

Thank you so much Profeet for supporting me, my insoles are still going strong!”
Weightlifter Emily Campbell
Click here to read the full interview.
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance