Team Profeet finish 4th at the Endure 24 trail race -

A 5 mile loop… again and again!
Taking place on a five mile loop through woodland, runners continually tag from one to the next over 24 hours, trying to cover as much ground as possible.

Team of eight
In 2014, the Profeet team won their category (teams of 3-5).  This year, taking part as a team of 8, the team came home in 4th place overall – a fantastic result, particularly given that some of the team only stepped in to cover injuries at the last minute.

4th out of 159 teams
The team covered 205 miles and finished 4th out of 159 teams.  As a team of 8, the Profeet team was made up of four guys and four girls. Nothing against our female friends, but with most of the other teams comprising six guys and two girls, it was a superb effort overall.

The Team
The full team was Anthony Clark, Andes Chau, Max Wilcocks, Richard Felton, Rebecca Cox, Claire Shelley, Gemma Carter and Leah Kenny.

Many thanks to all the Profeet runners who took part and to the organisers for putting on such a great race. Team Profeet still holds the record (Male teams 3-5) and will be back in 2016 with plans to crush that record again…!

Team Profeet

Video from 2014
If you’d like to know more about the Endure 24, take a look at this video from 2014, when the Profeet team took first place in the 3-5 category:



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