Marthe’s final 'Race to the Stones' training update -

All that is left is to get down to business and finish that last part of the journey with pride because you have well and truly deserved all the praise for the hard work you have put into this!”

Hi guys,

We are now just a couple of days out from Threshold Series Race to the Stones, and I bet I’m not the only one to that has started to feel the nerves and excitement creeping up. I know I am constantly thinking whether I have got all the equipment ready for the day, if I have been training hard enough, whether my nutrition will be on point and if I have forgotten about essentials like salt tablets for the hot weather and my toothbrush ready for the overnight stay.

Although you too might be feeling stressed out, I think as soon as you are on that start line, all that is left to do is just enjoy the end of an amazing journey consisting of hard work, a lot of sweat and several hundred kilometres covered on your feet. All that is left is to get down to business and finish that last part of the journey with pride because you have well and truly deserved all the praise for the hard work you have put into this!

In this final week leading up to the race, I have personally really enjoyed taking a step back from training, and completely tapered the distance down to a couple of slow 5km, some prehab work in the gym, and enjoyed being a bit more social and relaxed leading up to the race. I wish every single one of you who is racing this weekend, be it running or walking, climbing or crawling to the finish line, the very best of luck and I believe in all of you.

Let’s smash it!

Ps. I will be staying in the camp overnight and running the last 50km on Sunday wearing an orange Profeet top. Please feel free to come and have a chat with me, I’d love to hear about your journeys too 😊

All the best,

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