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The cancellation and postponement of major races both in the UK and across the globe amid the current Coronavirus epidemic has been the most unwelcome of news for thousands upon thousands of runners.
Although such decisions had to be enforced as early as was feasibly possible for the greater good of everyone’s health, it has meant training programmes and race plans, for now at least, have had to be placed on hold.
For many, and after months of preparation, this has been far from ideal.
But, even with so much uncertainty in the world at the moment, the running community have just got on with business and taken everything in their stride [excuse the pun].
That, in itself, is worthy of plenty of praise.
A rise in running to clear the mind
With self-isolation and work-from-home practices in place throughout much of the UK, getting out of the house – where possible – has become a necessity for fresh air and peace of mind.
Being aware of social distancing and adhering to the Government’s latest Coronavirus advice is fundamental but, at this stage, there are no significant restrictions that stop runners from lacing up trainers and going outside once a day.
There has seemingly been a spike in running activity across the board, with lots of people breaking free from the comforts of home to exercise.
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And, while training plans are on hold for most, what better way to lift your spirits by enjoying the positive endorphins and feelings a run can bring you. Indeed, taking to the streets and open spaces comes highly-recommended – even if you are generally used to running in gym facilities which are now closed for the foreseeable future.
Time to take the foot off the gas
For those who were in peak-marathon training mindset and condition, it is sensible to ease off from the training workload you were operating at.
To avoid burning out and unnecessarily over-training without a Spring-time marathon to look forward to, wind down your overall mileage and volume but tick over with regular runs.
Given the uncertainty at the moment, it is wise to monitor news concerning your given event or events – and from there – readjust your schedule accordingly.

Stretch and workout from home
Many people are working from home right now, so make sure you workout from home, too.
From core exercises to yoga practices to mobility moves to loosen you up if you’re operating from a makeshift office, there are plenty of online videos to use as guidance.
Build a variety of these exercises into your newly changed daily routine and ensure that you maintain your fitness level.
We’ll be posting ideas and inspiration over the next few weeks to keep you entertained but in the meantime…
Stay healthy and #KeepRunning
Contributed by our specialist writer: Stuart Appleby
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance