Service by appointment only
Call 020 7736 0046
Call 020 7736 0046 To book
Did you get your place in the London Marathon Ballot for the 2015 race?
The confirmations and rejections have been dropping through Britain’s letterboxes this week. Over 170,000 applied and around 50,00o have been accepted, with 40,000 expected to start.

Take a Marathon MOT
But if you received this one, then the count down is now on. It’s just six months to the race, so the the perfect timing to visit Profeet for your Marathon MOT…

Review your current and most suitable footwear for you
Our Marathon MOT costs just £20, which is redeemable against any future purchase from our store, and includes a review of your current footwear, the right suitability for you and the mileage you have left in your current shoes.
Based on your training plans, we can help project ahead, so you can ensure that if you are going to need new shoes you don’t start them in the final few weeks before your race.
Call us on 020 7746 0036 or book an appointment online and we’ll help get you to the finish line.
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance