Profeet ambassadors Robbie Britton & Natalie White - Kom Emine adventure Film Night -

Robbie is an ultra runner and has previously represented Team GB at the 24 Hour World Championships. He has also won the South Downs Way 100 and completed the 153 mile Spartathlon ultra marathon in Greece. Natalie is a mountain runner and was the British Fell Running Champion 2006. She recently finished second in the Cappadocia Ultra Trail Race. In September of this year they went out to Bulgaria to run approximately 580km from Peak Kom to Emine trail by the sea.


Kom Emine Film Night

We began with a five mile looped run to Hammersmith Bridge along the tow path with Petzl head torches which helped greatly in the dark conditions.

Once back, food was provided from local Italian La Pizzica and we were joined by more running enthusiasts instore. It was great to see ambassadors Gary Dalton and Pierre Meslet who also joined us for the evening.

We sat down for the five minute film, which was humorous, and we learned a lot about the plans for the adventure, the trials and tribulations as well as, the proposal Robbie pulled off once they’d completed the journey! (Huge congratulations to Nat & Robbie again).


The conversation could have gone on forever if we hadn’t stopped Robbie from talking – which is his forte apart from running! It was such an enjoyable night with a good community of passionate runners.

Thank you all for coming and a big thank you again to Robbie and Natalie for making the trip to see us all.


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