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Previously on the Profeet blog we’ve brought you ’12 Ultra Marathon Tips for Beginners’ and ’13 Ultra Training Tips’, but last week Robbie Britton topped both of those.
Issued via his Twitter account, Profeet ambassador Robbie came up with ‘100 Reasons to Run an Ultramarathon’.
Admittedly, it had started with just ‘Five Reasons’, but after being challenged by Robert Jones on Twitter to come up with one hundred, Robbie went into overdrive – and if there’s one thing we know about Robbie it’s that he loves a challenge (even if he only managed a mere 51 in two hours!).

Robbie’s 51 Reasons to do an Ultra Marathon
- Because your coach told you to.
- You get to eat cake.
- Meet great people.
- See great places.
- You’re fit & healthy (except for race day).
- It’s okay to snot-rocket.
- You can buy lots of shoes and bags like your wife.
- You can explore your home area.
- You can explore anywhere you visit.
- You can wear lycra and still be cool.

- Your mind becomes stronger.
- People think you’re awesome.
- You are awesome.
- You get leaner.
- You can escape the house every day
- You find out what you’re capable of.
- You embrace failure.
- You can crap in the bushes.
- Big medals.
- Small medals.

- Lots of medals.
- Cool t-shirts with crazy races on them.
- You can win belt buckles.
- You discover new levels of pain.
- You discover new levels of joy
- It’s okay to cry in ultras.
- You develop strange levels of perseverance when it comes to tweeting 100 positives about ultra running.
- Your medical bills are lower.
- Your life is made longer.
- You can share the experience with family.

- You can listen to lots of music.
- You can run in puddles.
- You can learn a new language on a training run.
- You can use your endurance to try any other sport.
- You improve personal management.
- You become more organised.
- Your kids think you’re Superman.
- So do your colleagues.
- You can still be normal.
- You can run across a country (if you need to).

- You appreciate rest more.
- You can go see the wonderful people at Profeet.
- You can buy shiny shoes.
- And fancy running shorts.
- You can dress like Kilian Jornet.
- You can run up mountains.
- You can run down mountains.
- Your playground is bigger than everyone else’s.
- You discover the joys of blisters and chafing.
- You can go on training camps to the Alps at
- You might get in a running magazine.

Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance