The Extreme Sports Performance Podcast | Profeet, Tom Scales
injury prevention podcase

This month, Profeet’s Tom took some time out from the Running Lab to talk to Profeet Partner, Ryan Blake, Director of Extreme Sports Performance.

Solving the injury puzzle

Ryan was keen to explore how Profeet’s services could help the athletes he coaches as well as other everyday sportspeople with managing and preventing injury.

The podcast covers Tom’s background as a competitive rower turned runner, his degree in Sports Science, and how he wanted to turn his experience with both sporting success and injury into a way to help others.


Topics discussed include:

  • Biomechanics
  • Dynamic analysis
  • Correcting imbalances
  • Common problems and injuries
  • The shelf life of a running shoe
  • How wearing the wrong shoe is working against you
  • What happens to your feet in motion
  • How we solve the injury puzzle
  • How custom insoles can help
  • Strength and conditioning
  • The impact of ‘working from home’ on the hip flexors!
  • And much more…


Plagued by injuries and issues?
Ryan uses his knowledge as a sports scientist to draw out information around improving your training, marginal gains, understanding the science and making it work for you. All in all, an information-packed dialogue with lots of great tips and advice.

Listen to the blog and see what you can learn to help you move forward and get past what holds you back.

Thanks to Ryan Blake of Extreme Sports Performance
Instagram @extremesportsperformance


Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance

Call 020 7736 0046