Triathlon de Dinard 2022 -
Triathlon de Dinard 2022

Athlete and osteopath Pierre is best known for achieving a top 10 position in the Marathon Des Sables 2021.

Given this kind of acclaim, his fitness and endurance capacity clearly puts him in the elite category. But once you’ve conquered some of the most challenging foot races in the World what do you do next?

Manchester Marathon 2022

Since completing the MDS, Pierre has continued to enter and compete at distance events including the Manchester Marathon earlier this year, where he clocked a very impressive time of 2:35:25. The goal was to work on speed over distance and whilst he didn’t quite reach his sub 2:30 objective, he wasn’t too far off either.

Triathlon de Dinard 2022

Not content with ultra-running, Pierre has also extended his skill set adding both cycling and swimming to his fitness credentials:

During Covid I got my hands onto a gravel bike and was introduced to the world of push bikes. Then about 6 months ago, a friend had the great idea to challenge me to race a long distance triathlon with him.

The journey over these last few months has been absolutely fantastic and culminated at the Dinard Triathlon (1.9 swim, 88km bike, 21km run) last weekend.”

Dinard is a coastal commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department of Brittany, in North Western France. Not too far from Saint Malo, it is a hop, skip and a jump (or more to the point, a swim, cycle and run) from Pierre’s London base.

The event itself offers a choice of distances from the ‘beginner’ to the ultra, and naturally Pierre chose the longer ‘half ironman’ distance event where he achieved a speedy time of 04:59:09 and found himself musing…

Very happy with my race outcome but I can’t stop wondering how many minutes could I shave off that time? And what if I was doubling the distance…that would be called an IRONMAN. Could I race sub10? 🤔”

Triathlon de Dinard 2022 Pierre Meslet

Discovering the world of long distance triathlon was fun, challenging and exhilarating at the same time. If you like training and want to spend more time outdoors, give triathlon a go!”

What next for Pierre?

Taking on a triathlon certainly mixed things up for Pierre requiring a focus on different fitness disciplines. But the appetite for challenge remains undiminished and Pierre, ever the unstoppable force, is now eyeing up his next mission…

Watch this space to find out what’s on the horizon!

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