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The Profeet team were out in force at last Sunday’s Wings for Life World Run with Run Lab Manager Richard Felton and ambassadors Robbie Britton, Max Willcocks and Natalie White all taking part.
Overall this unique global event saw 1,255,000 kilometers were run and 6.6m euros raised

We spoke to Rich about the day:
The event was brilliant and a really unique way of racing.
The great thing there was no pressure on the notion of having to finish a pre-determined distance, so all abilities could feel comfortable knowing they would finish regardless of the distance they do.
It was a lot like the casual atmosphere of parkrun. The car starts 30 minutes after the race starts and once it catches you, that’s it you’re out and you take a bus back to the start/finish area for free beer, goodies and to watch the big screen as the race unfolds across the world.
Next year Profeet plan to go back in force with our customers and ambassadors. There is an overall team distance event, although some teams have around 100 members so we’d do well to compete against them. However, we will aim to pull in as many people as possible next year!
We’d also like to thank Gemma Coate from Wings for Life for looking after the Profeet team.

Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance