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Profeet ambassador, long term friend and extreme ultrarunner, Robbie Britton, has distilled his knowledge from his worldwide portfolio of running experiences to bring us this veritable bible of running advice.
In Robbies’ words…
After years of running, coaching and building experience in the world of running, it was a pleasure to be asked by Vertebrate Publishing to try and come up with 1001 Running Tips.
Over the last decade it’s not just my own experience of running everything from 5k up to 24 hour races and beyond, but the fantastic network of people you meet along the way that has helped amalgamate such a bundle of advice into one place.
good advice doesn’t have to be boring”.
When putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys) the idea that stayed fresh at the front of my mind was “good advice doesn’t have to be boring”. Too many times I have purchased great tomes of running knowledge and urged the information to come across into my brain via osmosis, from a dusty bookshelf in the corner.
It’s not like you can sit down and pick up a textbook and realistically read it from cover to cover. Often they end up as reference points to go back to, but you still need to get that information over to the reader initially.
So hopefully 1001 Running Tips is somewhere in the middle. It flows in a way that gets the reader to keep going from tip to tip, page to page and section to section, but it has a table of contents that means you can jump to a particular subject, such as training physiology, eating during a marathon or dealing with sleep deprivation, at any given time.
For beginners to experienced internationals

Such is my own varied experience the book does cover a wide variety of subjects from shorter to the longest of all endurance events.
As an ultra-distance athlete and coach primarily there is a good four on those areas, but the information is aimed at beginners to experienced internationals, with the hope that some of the tips are useful, but the advice also gets you asking yourself the right questions.
High quality advice that might make a difference on race day
In the end, it felt like there could be more than 1001 tips and there have been subjects I wish we’d included or expanded upon. So, for those who have asked if I had trouble finding the 1001 Tips originally, it was the opposite. This means that an effort was made to avoid any duff tips that weren’t really needed, and focus on the high-quality advice that might make a difference on race day.

Whether this book becomes something on your coffee table (because the cover really is pretty) or sits in the toilet to delve into every time you go for a cr*p, how people enjoy the book is something I would love to know about.
Maybe in years to come there will be dog-eared, battered copies of 1001 Running tips that people keep referring back to and enjoying again and again. One can only wish, but the was the goal in writing. I’m certainly not an expert in a lot of the subjects discussed, more of a jack of all trades, but explaining a whole host of subjects in a relatable and understandable way might be a lot more effective than being an expert in the minutiae of any particular area of running.
Whether you are a coach, athlete, ultra-runner, marathon or park run tourist there should be advice in 1001 Running tips that you enjoy reading, find useful and can hopefully share with others to pass on the love.
We’ve pre-ordered our copies and we can’t wait to read and share Robbie’s tips, and we reckon it’ll go down a treat when unwrapped on Christmas Day. Start the New Year with some newfound running oomph!
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance