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It’s still over eight months until the 2018 UTMB races, but we are already looking ahead to 2019. The organisers announced yesterday that the minimum number of points required to enter the OCC race is going up from 4 to 6 points from qualifying races.
Points system in place since 2019
A points system has been used for the UTMB races since 2003 to ensure that runners have the necessary experience and that the races are not over-crowded.
Despite the points required, the number of applications goes up every year. For the 2018 races, all of the races were over-subscribed by the percentages below:
UTMB 219%
CCC 184%
TDS 127%
OCC 345%

Points required for the OCC increase by two
Evidently the OCC has become even more popular, hence the change in the number of qualifying points.
That means for 2019 the number of points required for each race are as follows:
UTMB® : 15 points acquired between 2017/01/01 and 2018/12/31 (3 races maximum)
CCC® : 8 points acquired between 2017/01/01 and 2018/12/31 (2 races maximum)
TDS® : 8 points acquired between 2017/01/01 and 2018/12/31 (2 races maximum)
OCC : 6 points acquired between 2017/01/01 and 2018/12/31 (2 races maximum)
The registration period for the UTMB 2019 opens on December 18 2018 and closes on January 3rd 2019
More facts about the 2018 UTMB Races
– 100 countries will be represented in total in 2019, with the most represented nations being France (3637 runners), Spain (950), Italy (756), the UK (530) and China (380).
– 15% of runners will be women (25% of the OCC field, 14% in the CCC, 12% in the TDS and 10% of the UTMB field)
Best shoes for the UTMB
If you’re taking part in any of the 2018 UTMB races, then congratulations! For advice on the right shoes and custom insoles to help you get to the start, and the finish, please contact the Profeet Run Lab to arrange an appointment.
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance