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Emma’s Blog: From Fitness Fanatic to Ironwoman – The Final Update
Profeet run technician, Emma Kirk-Odunubi has finished her journey from ‘Fitness Fanatic to Iron Woman’ as she completed her first Iron-distance triathlon last month. We’ve been following her journey on our blog all year and now it’s done!
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Emma’s Blog: From Fitness Fanatic to Ironwoman, April 2016
Profeet run technician, Emma updates us with her latest blog about her journey from ‘Fitness Fanatic to Iron Woman’ as she nears her first Iron-distance triathlon later this year.
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Emma’s Blog: From Fitness Fanatic to Ironwoman, March 2016
We have been following Profeet team member, Emma Kirk-Odunubi, in her journey from ‘Fitness Fanatic to Iron Woman’. Later this year she will be taking on an Iron-distance triathlon – her first ever!
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance