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This article first appeared in Fall Line Magazine, where Profeet Ski Lab manager, Janine Winter, is the resident boot doctor:

Q: How do I stop my feet getting cold in ski boots? Should I buy ski boot warmers?
There is nothing worse than suffering the pain of cold feet when skiing, believe me I know!
It can ruin an amazing day’s skiing if all you are doing is counting down the minutes until you can be relieved of the pain.
Typically women suffer more as we get colder at the extremities than men – that’s a fact, we’re not just complaining!
When the temperature drops our blood vessels constrict quicker and more intensely than men to redirect blood away from the hands and feet and towards the heart, keeping our core warm. This is why they tend to add more insulating materials into women’s ski boot liners compared to men’s.
One of the warmest unisex liners on the market is an Intuition, there are various styles to fit all shells.
Tips for optimum blood flow to your foot
There are a few important steps that must be checked to ensure you are getting optimum blood flow to the foot.
It is essential to have enough height over the instep of your foot otherwise the circulation to the foot will be constricted. Buckling the instep buckle too tightly will also cut off circulation, this buckle should have very little tension on it.
It is normal for your toes to contact the front of the boot but they shouldn’t be squashed or crammed as you do need air space to stay warm. Ski boot insoles are really important at stabilising the whole foot and improving circulation to the toes.

Wear the right socks
Sock choice is very important and makes a huge difference.
Good ski socks are made of materials such as merino wool which breathe well and wick moisture away from the foot.
If the sock is too thick it takes up too much volume in the boot cutting off circulation and eliminating air space, which then has the opposite effect. Tests have proven that you will actually stay warmer in a thinner sock.

Drying your ski boots
Drying the boots out at night with a boot dryer ensures the toe box of the liner completely dries out so that when you put your boots on the next morning, you’re not starting with damp, soggy toes.

Ski boot heaters
If you’ve done everything you can to ensure good blood flow and your feet still get cold – then it’s time for ski boot heaters.
Since installing heaters into my boots, I can’t imagine ever skiing without them!
The Sidas Pro Set are a great option as they keep you warm all day long. The heating element is installed directly into your footbeds under the toes.
They come with a nice slim battery pack which easily attaches to the power strap and just needs charging at night.

To find out more about ski boot insoles, liners or boot heaters, please contact us via our website or call us on 020 7736 0046.
Profeet’s services are by appointment only, please call or book online in advance