Sarah Davies, Team GB Weightlifter Tokyo Olympics 2021, Profeet custom
Sarah Davies Weightlifter, Team GB, Tokyo Olympics

Shouldering the weight of expectation, literally, is all in a day’s work for Profeet’s newest ambassador, soon-to-be Team GB Olympian Sarah Davies.

This week, the -64 kg category weightlifter is set to fly to Tokyo, Japan, ahead of competing in her very first Olympic Games.

The Coronavirus pandemic, sadly, means the Games will have a different look and feel compared to previous editions of athletics’ showpiece; even so – representing your country on the world stage is the shot of a lifetime.

As we saw this past weekend, few experiences in life match the agony and ecstasy elite international sport can throw at you.

Sarah, who is proudly supported by Profeet Custom Insoles, told the Profeet Team when taking time out of her hectic schedule preparing for the rescheduled event in East Asia,

Competing at the Games is going to be something to tell the grandkids about one day.”

As athletes, we are all very grateful the Games are going ahead and it’s going to be an incredible experience and one which we want to enjoy as much as possible. I’ll have my teammates with me in our bubble and we’ll make our own memories and laughter between us.

It’s going to be strange not having crowds present but we need to be respectful to the situation and appreciate the great lengths the organisers have gone to, to make the Games possible. I also know that my friends and family will be there every step of the way, cheering me on from home.”

European Weightlifting Championships
Bubble life is not new to Sarah and many of her fellow athletes, which should prove advantageous. In April of this year, the 28-year-old won an overall silver medal (three in total) in the -64kg class at the 2021 European Weightlifting Championships in Moscow. This, incredibly, included a 101kg lift in the snatch before a British record shattering 129kg score in the clean and jerk – giving Sarah a combined total of 230kg, also a British record.

In Russia, it was a case of keeping cool and trusting the process, the years of hard work I’ve put in to let it happen on the day,” the Preston-born athlete, who also claimed silver at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, said.
I knew I could do what I needed to do on the day at the Europeans, so it was just a case of harnessing and recreating the hours of work in the gym, on the platform. It was a big confidence booster for me, especially after so long without major competitions due to the pandemic, so I’m excited to get back out there and perform on the greatest stage of them all.”

Sarah continued:

My body is feeling good and I am training hard but smart and listening to my body – which is so important – as I am pushing and pushing. The big weights are flying in training now but I also need to be sensible and recover well.”

The foundations to success
For any athlete, staying injury-free is the foundation to success, consistency and longevity. Sarah, who began weightlifting in 2011, has suffered with a troublesome left ankle for the best part of a decade, affecting motion in the joint and causing stiffness.

Having experimented with various injury prevention and management techniques, Sarah – with input and recommendations from British women’s weightlifting teammates and fellow Profeet ambassadors Emily Muskett (Godley) and Emily Campbell – started to work with Profeet this year to seek to rectify the issue.

Profeet was a brand I knew the two Emilys were involved with and spoke so highly of, so it was a really easy decision to connect with the team in Fulham and find out how they could help me with my ankle range and find that perfect, custom insole fit for my footwear.
As a weightlifter, stability and balance is really everything and I had identified that I was leaning over to my right side too much when lifting, because of the limited flexibility in my left ankle, which affected my positioning and posture.
I actually have a bone block in my ankle and with events like the Olympics on the horizon, those one per cents make all the difference and I realised that now was the time to really get on top of the niggle.”

Sarah added:

The Profeet team worked brilliantly with me to find a solution. I feel a lot more comfortable now and sit more centrally when I lift which, as you can imagine, is very helpful when you’ve got twice your own body weight over your head!
It has been a brilliant experience to work with a British brand, which creates all of its products in-house.”

We wish Sarah and her Team GB teammates every success in their Olympic endeavours and will be avidly following their progress throughout the event.


Contributed by our specialist writer: Stuart Appleby
> British Weightlifting
> Team GB

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